quickstart guide

A Quickstart guide for 3D Application Developers to integrating HPS (HOOPS 3D Graphics SDK from Tech Soft 3D)

HOOPS Visualize (HPS) is a product of Tech Soft 3D, it is a CAD platform that enables rapid development of high-performance, cross-platform engineering applications. It helps in visualization which uses highly optimized OpenGL or DirectX drivers which takes full advantage of available graphics hardware. It contains thread-safe C++ and C# interfaces, which internally utilize multi-threading, and also supports GUI frameworks such as MFC, WPF, QT, and Cocoa.

This blog will help you get started with HPS in your new application using C# and WPF interface.

  • First download the HPS binaries and its license file from the TechSoft 3D developer portal website.
  • HPS package contains dynamic and static libraries, sandboxes(is a demo viewer for QT, WPF, MFC etc), documentation etc.
  • You need to decide the configuration in which you want to build your application like- 32 or 64 bit. Create a 3rd Party folder in your project directory and move the corresponding configuration HPS DLLs in that folder.
  • As in this blog covers C# (WPF) integration so you need to add below DLLs as reference in your project solution.

hps_cs_sprk_exchange.dll (For HOOPS Exchange integration in HPS)

  • To use the HOOPS DLLs you need to add a HOOPS license to the project (the license is set in a file called hoops_license.cs).
  • Copy HOOPS dependency DLL to build folder (bin\x64\(Debug or Release)) or (bin\x86\(Debug or Release)). These DLLs are required to run the application.

hps_sprk_exchange.dll (For HOOPS Exchange integration in HPS).

HPS is a visualized graphics database or graphics engine powered by Tech Soft 3D. The database is where all scene information is stored and organized. It has been used in hundreds of successful applications for over 20 years, including software from Oracle, SOLIDWORKS, Trimble, Hexagon, ANSYS, 3D Systems, Mitutoyo, Actify and many more.

Below are a few benefits of using HPS:

  • HPS is a development platform that enables rapid development of high-performance, cross-platform engineering applications. 
  • HPS has extreme power, performance and consistent stability across platforms, devices and graphics cards. 
  • It also has a built-in interface to common third-party toolkits such as the Siemens Parasolid modeling kernel and the Autodesk RealDWG libraries. 
  • It can be integrated with your application just like another third party library and also gives you an interface to create, manipulate, and render the graphical data stored within the scene.
  • It is a high-level graphics framework that can be integrated with common GUI libraries such as .NET, WPF, and Qt.

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ProtoTech Solutions and Services Pvt. Ltd.
