Benefits, Process, and Types of Cloud Migration

To develop and deliver enterprise applications, cloud computing is now widely used. It is also the most preferred solution for SMEs and large corporations alike.

Companies are increasingly migrating to the cloud as their businesses grow and their processes improve. Cloud Migration is the process of moving services and applications to the cloud. The amount of money and resources companies devote to enhancing their operations show their enthusiasm for cloud migration.

An overview of Cloud Migration and its various adaptation options is presented here.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a newer IT service model that uses the internet to deliver services. These services include scalable and virtual resources such as servers, data storage, networking, and software. Cost-effectively operate workloads in a service provider’s massive data centres and servers.

Cloud computing is a 21st-century technology. Innovating networking and processing resources at low cost has encouraged widespread computer adaption.

As a result of cloud computing, migration is unavoidable. Access to data and software from every IoT (internet-connected) device has altered the commercial world. In addition, it allows for aspects of the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), including development and testing without regard for physical infrastructure.

What is Cloud Migration?

Cloud migration is just adopting cloud computing. It involves moving data, application code, and other business operations from an on-premises or legacy infrastructure to a cloud environment.

Cloud migration is an excellent development in the corporate information system industry, providing convenient services for developing enterprises. However, migrating data to the cloud takes advanced planning.

Cloud Migration can also be used for a cloud to cloud transfer.

Types of Cloud Migration

The process of cloud migration causes concern in the commercial and corporate sectors, which must prepare for numerous scenarios. The nature and degree of migration vary by organisation. Some firms migrate entirely, others partially, and still others remain on-premises. Process-intensive businesses may need multiple cloud services.

Other characteristics, besides adoption, define Cloud Migration. These are some frequent use-cases.

Fig: Types of Cloud Migration

1. Lift and Shift

This method involves migrating software from on-premises to cloud resources without changing the application or process. It is the quickest cloud migration method available and requires only infrastructure, information, and security teams. It is also less expensive than other procedures.

The sole disadvantage of this strategy is that it does not fully utilise the cloud’s performance and flexibility because it simply involves transferring the programme. So it’s better for companies with consistent peak times and follow market trends. Consider it as the first step in your Cloud Migration journey.

2. The Shift to SaaS

This strategy involves a cloud service provider outsourcing one or more desired apps. This paradigm allows firms to focus on their core applications while offloading non-critical operations. This will make them more efficient and competitive.

While this strategy allows you to customise your application, it can also cause issues with the SaaS platform’s support model. It’s hazardous enough to lose your competitive edge. This strategy is best for non-customer facing apps like email and payroll.

3. Legacy Application Refactoring

Cloud migration allows enterprises to restructure their legacy apps into the cloud platform. This way, you may keep legacy apps running while building new ones on the cloud.

You can prioritise business operations by placing the less crucial ones first. For better interactions, prioritising updates is a cost-effective strategy.

4. Re-platforming

Re-platforming entails updating the application code to make it cloud-native. This type of relocation demands the most planning and resources.

Rewriting business procedures can be very costly. Regardless, the migration approach provides the most flexibility and maximises the cloud’s benefits.

The Cloud Migration Process

This is how a business migrates to the cloud. These cloud migration steps vary depending on the resource and the type of migration.

Here are the five main stages:

Step 1: Develop a strategy for cloud migration

This is the key step. Your cloud migration strategy will be created here. You must know the data, technological, financial, resource, and security needs before deciding on the migration processes.

It’s also essential to identify potential hazards and failure areas. To maintain business continuity, mitigation measures or resolution plans will also need to be implemented. Consultation with experts is advised at this time.

Step 2: Choosing a Model for Cloud Deployment

While this stage is similar to the first, you must select the optimal cloud deployment model for your organisation and resources. A single or multi-cloud solution will be planned based on resource requirements. The public cloud is recommended for small and medium-sized businesses with limited resources.

If your company employs SaaS applications but needs extra protection for application data, a Hybrid Cloud architecture is better. Private Cloud solutions are ideal for sensitive data and situations requiring total control.

Step 3: Choosing a Service Model

You can choose the service models that best suit your business during this step. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) is one of the most popular service models (Software-as-a-service). The choice of service depends on the sort of migration desired.

Step 4: Establish key performance indicators (KPIs)

Defining KPIs ensures you can monitor the migrated app on the cloud. Performance, usability and infrastructure availability are examples of KPIs.

Step 5: Cloud Migration

Moving data from your infrastructure to the cloud is a flexible process. This can be done through the internet, a private network, or even offline. Verify that all KPIs are met after moving data and procedures.

Benefits of Cloud Migration

Businesses typically spend a lot on software development and deployment. But cloud migration offers many options for accessing SaaS at cheaper costs while safely keeping and exchanging data.

Cloud migration benefits include:

1. Savings on costs

A physical data centre’s upkeep and management are expensive. With SaaS or PaaS cloud services, data centres are maintained and upgraded at little upfront costs, reducing operating expenses.

Cloud migration saves money directly by eliminating the need for a dedicated technical team, but it also saves money in the long run. As a bonus, the service provider handles most licensing procedures.

2. Flexibility

Cloud migration allows for upward or downward business expansion. Small firms can simply expand their processes into new markets, while influential organisations can quickly spread their services globally.

This flexibility is achievable by combining hybrid cloud computing solutions like AI, ML, and image processing with globally distributed data centres.

It also allows consumers to access data and services from any location and device. Companies might also outsource certain functions to service providers to focus on their core processes.

3. Quality Performance

Due to the increased exposure of data, cloud migration enables more incredible business community connections and collaboration. It also speeds up decision making by reducing infrastructure time. Companies can link cloud-based solutions with other enterprise systems and solutions. This skill ensures system quality and performance.

4. Updates Automatically

System updates, especially for large corporations, may be laborious and time-consuming. Because the infrastructure is off-premises, cloud service providers can handle automatic updates. Most cloud computing agreements include ready-to-use software upgrades at a fraction of the regular licensing fees.

5. Enhanced Security

According to many studies, the cloud is more secure than on-premise data centres. Vendors of cloud services are experts in data security and continuously update their systems. The cloud also allows for better control over data accessibility and availability, allowing only authorised users access.

6. Continuity of Business

Businesses frequently need to set aside extra funds for catastrophe recovery. Cloud migration offers innovative and cost-effective disaster management. It assures application availability during and after important events, ensuring business continuity.

Cloud service providers take good care of their data centres, both physically and virtually. This security, along with geographically separated sites, facilitates the creation of robust Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity plans.

Is It Time to Move Your Business to the Cloud?

You can now decide if Cloud Migration is suitable for your company, considering all of this. And if so, which migration model to use and how to arrange the migrating process.

Because every migration is different, your plan must be too. Find out and understand your organisation’s and applications’ needs to design a cloud migration strategy that works.

Discover the benefits of cloud computing for business with our cloud services.
