TransMagic is a software application available for a fee, designed to assist in converting computer-aided design files between various native file formats. During the translation process, TransMagic utilizes a technique known as “geometry mapping” to precisely transfer data from one CAD kernel to another. To guarantee smooth and flawless conversions, TransMagic tackles potential problems like “stitching errors” by employing a range of techniques. These techniques involve rectifying surfaces that may slightly overlap or be misaligned, eliminating duplicate control points, and removing redundant vertices.
Westminster, USA
Advancing TransMagic:
Enhancing Functionality and Operations for Optimal Performance.
Thorough Testing for Excellence:
Application, Functionality, Unit, Regression, and Enhancement Testing in Action.
Refining User Experience:
Development and Testing of Application Code, Empowering CAD Operations, and Import/Export Functionality to Meet User Demands.
Fig. Forge viewer with Revit file loaded
Enabling Seamless Import and Export:
Facilitating CAD and Polygonal Format Compatibility with Diverse Standard Toolkits.
Comprehensive Testing for Functionality and Feature Integration:
Assessing Import and Export Combinations in the Application.
Empowering CAD Model Enhancement:
Gathering Requirements and Implementing New Operations.
Precision in CAD Model Transformation:
Applying Accurate Mathematical and Algorithmic Calculations for Post-Modification CAD Transformations.
We delved deeply into CAD codes, gaining a thorough understanding and uncovering valuable development ideas.
Throughout our process, we conducted rigorous testing across multiple scenarios to ensure that all functionalities were thoroughly validated.
As part of our approach, we successfully implemented an API specifically designed for regression testing purposes.
During that time, we diligently maintained accurate and up-to-date documents and testing reports to support ongoing maintenance efforts.
Utilization of Zendesk Bug Base
For Issue Tracking and Management