enhanced interactivity
WebGL Exporter
for Maya
Our Plugins are also Available on Autodesk Store
Note: Compatible only with Windows 10 and Windows 11
No Credit Card Required.
Single Machine
Locked Licenses by Same User
Two Machine
Two Machine Locked License, by the Same User
Transferable License
Single Floating
Single Floating License
Automation Licence
Advantages of Automation Licence are:
seamless integration
Mesh Quality
Control to adjust mesh quality from preferences dialog.
Use Template
Export 3D Data in template.
Default Tessellation Quality
Supports color.
Additional Features
1. Option to control the file size and quality by specifying the precision value.
2. Integrate your exported 3D model in the web page.
WebGL Exporter for Maya Version History
- Issues in license mechanism.
- Upgraded licensing system.
- Upgraded licensing system.
- Updated technical support contact details.
- Added support for Maya 2018.
- Supports HTML templates. WebGL models will get automatically embedded in selected template.
- Model tree can be now optionally exported to WebGL. It will appear in a tree view form on a overlaid window.
- Support of Maya 2016.
- Greatly simplified license activation process.
- Added option to include navigation control buttons (rotate, zoom, pan) buttons to the exported model.
- Supported Maya version 2016.
Fixed :
- Bug related to global language.
Fixed :
- Compatible with Autodesk® Maya® 2015.
- Trial period has changed from 6 months to 10 times.
License Upgrade
Education Discount Enquiry

Trudi Fajri
Benmax, Australia
"It's great to use - just a different way to what I'm used to - much easier."

Ernesto Sacramento
Surveyor Manager, RAZEL-BEC
"ProtoTech solutions offer very versatile products. We use OBJ converter to take engineered conceptual 3D models out of AutoCAD into an OBJ format that is PhotoShop friendly to generate photo-realistic simulations. I have not found another product on the market that makes the process as easy as ProtoTech's OBJ Converter. Proto Tech has friendly and fast customer support as well when needed!"
Alexander Machado
4. September, 2024.
"Great Response time and resolution from the Prototech support team."
Sterling Smith
President & Principal, Interface for Consulting Engineers, P.A.
"Everything went well 🙂 I received what I wanted, it means .gltf file form Fusion360 3D model. I will surely recommend your software 👍"

Stas Urba
Founder, SoFi_Game
"Your Plugin not only works but also is very simple to use with lightning speed! This is not being all, it allows to change the export quality which is of vital importance for games, to be specific mobile games. Game creation needs to export numerous models and this plugin solves it very well."

Will Wright
EAFab Corporation
"Great Plugin! Bridges the software gap between supplier and client."

Narayan Sahu
Network Engineer, Al Shirawi
"Excellect Product & Econimical !!
Save much time & generates 3d view quickly. Technical Support responds as quickly as possible."

R&D/Visualization, beMatrix
"ProtoTech has perfectly understand our needs. Results are as expected. Response time is very fast. Small changes or enhancements are perfectly implemented, sometimes even in a couple of hours. Thank you!"

Paul L. James
Design Source International
"I have worked in the field of Industrial and Architectural Design for 40 years, and have witnessed numerous 3d viewering applications come and go. The most encouraging was the export to interactive .pdf 3d formats allowing anyone with an Acrobat Viewer or .pdf viewer to interact with the design intent in an immersive way Support of these programs was often not good, and the cost was also prohibitive, but the people at ProtoTech Solutions have made this an attractive package as to price point, and their on going support has made it an integrated and highly functional part of our design process and for development to RPD output."

Marcel Straßburg,
RH Industrieservice & Antriebstechnik GmbH & Co. KG
"I checked your preview and am very happy about the results in this short time, you have redesigned. I am surprised and glad to see, my feedback gets a serious effect on further developing your plugin immediately. This is an improvement, absolutely. Congratulations to you and your team, you rock"

Lei Lei
People's Republic of China
"This is really a great software for my problems. The company's support is very good, and my problem was soon solved."

Anthony Hyde
New Mexico State University, U.S.A
"Thanks for your assistance- I appreciate it. Everything is working good and now I can show the cad-work I've I been doing to other people. You guys have been great to work with and helped me with all the issues that I came across. Thanks."