ProtoTech Solutions

SimaPro. Sustainability at the beginning


PRé Sustainability is a Netherlands-based company that provides consulting, training, and software solutions to improve sustainability performance. PRé’s flagship product is SimaPro, life cycle assessment (LCA) software that arms product designers and manufacturers, decision-makers, and sustainability experts with science-based data to make informed decisions about environmental impacts.




ProtoTech’s Team built the Makersite application on Autodesk Platform Services for sustainability computations. They integrated Simapro’s LCA service with Autodesk to make the sustainability computations available to the designers in the Fusion 360 environment.


  • The data produced by LCA and product design is complex and fragmented. 
  • SimaPro collects and analyzes various sustainability performance information, from raw material selections to transportation emissions.
  • That data lives in SimaPro while, product designers create models inside separate CAD and 3D modeling systems. 
  • They’re making critical decisions about weights, dimensions, and materials in the early design stages when 80% of environmental impacts are defined. Yet, they have little or disconnected visibility into sustainability data during those stages. 
  • Too often, the design is baked when it reaches a performance assessment.


  • PRé wanted to connect SimaPro’s calculation engine directly with the software where designers are modeling for faster insights into design choices.
  • Partnering with systems integrator ProtoTech Solutions, the companies built a Fusion 360 web application that provides real-time LCA analysis alongside the design. 
  • The Viewer pulls in the Fusion 360 model, while the Model Derivative API fetches the bill of materials (BOM) data. The BOM posts to SimaPro’s cloud engine, which returns instant impact calculations. SimaPro’s analysis runs entirely in the background while engineers remain in the Fusion 360 web app interface.
  • This merging of data helps designers test their assumptions and get immediate feedback on questions like: What’s the environmental impact? Is a lighter-weight material plausible? Is steel necessary, or will something less carbon-intensive work? Bringing these questions upstream enables sustainability-led product design at scale.



  • Better decision-making and sustainability outcomes for product designs
  • More efficient process for integrating performance data
  • Reduced design churn in achieving sustainability metrics


  • Back-End :
    • Server : Python Flask, Celery, RabbitMQ
    • Database : SQLite
    • GraphQL
  • Deployment:
    • Azure DevOps
    • Docker
    • NGINX
  • Front-End:
    • ReactJs
    • Autodesk Hig library
  • Authentication
    • OAuth 2.0
  • Autodesk Forge APIs:
  • Data Management APIs
  • Model Derivative APIs
  • SimaPro services

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SimaPro. Sustainability at the beginning

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