ProtoTech Solutions

Migration of a successful Desktop Application to Cloud

Migration of a successful Desktop Application to Cloud

Our client is a software solutions provider for construction companies, public bodies, architects, accountants, surveyors, engineers, notaries, building experts and professional firms.




Having a suite of highly successful desktop apps, Our client was on a look out for the next generation of their products which will suit the newer workforce and workflows. This app is developed as an intermediate solution to enable cloud collaboration. Simply Database Synchronization(SyncroDb) is a Web API platform developed for creating a customized file storage with users data. There are several data storage applications, yet SyncroDb will be used to organize your data and store your files and details of your clients in a specific manner. The local storage system of SyncroDb Application is shifted to cloud storage.


  • A Scalable and Secure solution for organizing and storing data under particular organization and user.
  • Providing dynamic queries along with sorting, pagination and customized filtering for fetching data.
  • Providing access to the APIs and Application data to users based on the type and role.


  • SyncroDb Application provides APIs for adding, updating and deleting the data in a cloud storage for any user who is registered in the application.

  • Users can add, update, delete and fetch files or clients of their organization from the database using dynamic GraphQL APIs for accessing the PostgreSQL database and Azure Blob Storage. API documentation provides details and steps to consume the APIs or access the data directly from the Postman.

  • Secured the application using Azure AD Authentication to allow users with valid email and password to access the data based on their type.


SyncroDb APIs will allow users to fetch the sorted data with their own choice of filter along with the pagination.

SyncroDb APIs create signed urls for uploading and downloading files in order to directly allow the end user to upload the file in the Azure storage. This feature provides a cost effective solution for organizing and storing data.

APIs are secured in such a way that a particular user cannot access the files and clients of another user, whereas an admin user will have the rights to add and update users as well as modify or view any clients or files.


  • .Net Core 6

  • PostgreSQL


  • Azure Compute

  • Azure Storage

  • Azure AD Authentication

  • Azure PostgreSQL


  • C#.NET

  • GraphQL


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