ProtoTech Solutions

3D Interactive Training Application using Unity3D


The client is a team of experts designing software applications to help the oil and gas industries boost production.




Create a simulation training curriculum for staff in the oil and gas industry. Users need to communicate and assemble the components, each step should be documented for evaluation. At the end of the mission, the user is presented with a score on his efficiency.


  • Today, every industry requires a professional workforce to complete its job requirements. In the oil and gas industry, the slightest error on the part of a worker can cause significant harm to the entire plant. Because of this, companies need to provide specialised training to their workers before deploying workers to the actual plant.
  • With this in mind, our client approached ProtoTech Solutions to create an immersive training application for workers working in the oil and gas industries.
3D Interactive Training Application using Unity3D1


Training & Simulations :

  • 3D viewer in Unity3D was developed with several good features such as part treeview, transparency, isolation of specific part, animation, related videos, annotations,Pan, zoom, rotate, etc..
  • In the simulation section of the application, we added virtual reality support
  • We also made the assessment segment more interactive


  • The ProtoTech team effectively handled product development with evolving specifications 
  • The team completed the assigned work in time with a steep learning curve in the understanding and incorporation of emerging technologies.
  • The pleased client returned with another development project.
  • The ProtoTech team recommended a cost-effective approach whenever possible.

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